Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, I just wanted to share a few.
I am so grateful for such an amazing husband who I love more than anything. I am thankful for all that he does for our family, and the sacrifices that he makes for us. He is my rock and I look up to and admire him. I'm thankful for all the hugs, kisses and I love you's he gives to me and the cute little notes that he leaves. Thanks honey for all that you do for Payton & I, we love you so much!!!
I am thankful for a sweet little boy who is our pride and joy. He is always making us smile and laugh, especially with his singing and great dance moves, I thank Heavenly Father everyday for him. I love the cute things he says to us like, "you're the best mommy & daddy in the world" or "you're beautiful mommy", and for all the "I love you's", the list goes on and on and I am so grateful for it and cherish it. Also for the cute prayers that he says without any help, it is the cutest thing to hear the things that he prays for. I love the little hugs & kisses and the times he snuggles with me, thanks Payt for being you, we love you!!!
I'm grateful for wonderful family & friends who do so much for us, what would we do without you. Thank you everyone for always being there for us and all that you do. We have so many great examples around us and we can't say thank you enough, we hope you know just how much you mean to us. We love you!!!!!
It is nice to have a time of year that we can reflect on just how much we have to be thankful for, I am grateful for so many things, I could go on forever. We are very blessed, but I am especially thankful to our Heavenly Father and Jesus for all that they do and give to us. Thank you everyone for being a part of our life and everything you do. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Yea! I LOVE your new blog! Such cute family pictures! Can we please play soon? Connor just LOVES Payton! Love you guys!

