Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

I have so many things to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, I just wanted to share a few.
I am so grateful for such an amazing husband who I love more than anything. I am thankful for all that he does for our family, and the sacrifices that he makes for us. He is my rock and I look up to and admire him. I'm thankful for all the hugs, kisses and I love you's he gives to me and the cute little notes that he leaves. Thanks honey for all that you do for Payton & I, we love you so much!!!
I am thankful for a sweet little boy who is our pride and joy. He is always making us smile and laugh, especially with his singing and great dance moves, I thank Heavenly Father everyday for him. I love the cute things he says to us like, "you're the best mommy & daddy in the world" or "you're beautiful mommy", and for all the "I love you's", the list goes on and on and I am so grateful for it and cherish it. Also for the cute prayers that he says without any help, it is the cutest thing to hear the things that he prays for. I love the little hugs & kisses and the times he snuggles with me, thanks Payt for being you, we love you!!!
I'm grateful for wonderful family & friends who do so much for us, what would we do without you. Thank you everyone for always being there for us and all that you do. We have so many great examples around us and we can't say thank you enough, we hope you know just how much you mean to us. We love you!!!!!
It is nice to have a time of year that we can reflect on just how much we have to be thankful for, I am grateful for so many things, I could go on forever. We are very blessed, but I am especially thankful to our Heavenly Father and Jesus for all that they do and give to us. Thank you everyone for being a part of our life and everything you do. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!!!

Our cute family!!!

November Update

Well I have been slacking, the time is just flying by way to quickly. I just thought that I would catch up on what has been going on the past few weeks. Payton is just getting bigger and just as sweet as ever. I feel so lucky that I have been able to stay at home with him, he defiantly is a mama's boy and I'm loving every minute. He was invited to his first birthday party for Riley, a little girl in his preschool class, it seems so crazy that my baby is getting so big. Ever since preschool started he has been talking about Riley calling her his "girlfriend" and she has told her parents that she is going to marry Payton, it's funny to hear them talk about it, but it's defiantly starting way too early.
It was also my 28th birthday, holy cow I never thought that I'd be that old. On Saturday we went to Texas Road House with our good friends Sallie & Jesse, it was so good. We had a great time, Reed told them it was my birthday, they make you sit on a saddle while the sing to you, a little embarrassing but it was funny. We always have so much fun with Sal & Jess, we went to their house after and just hung out, it was a great night, thanks guys. On Sunday, my b-day I had to do sharing time, fun huh, it went well though and I was glad to have it over with. Reed and Payton made it a great day and we had dinner with my family. Payton wanted to say the prayer and it was the cutest thing ever it was all about mommy and I think that everyone had tears in their eyes, I loved it. Thanks everyone for making it such a great day!
We also had craft day, which we have once a month with Reed's mom and all the girls. It is so much fun, we have lunch and make the cutest things, this month we made cute weekly menu boards. We have made aprons, decorations sewing projects, frozen meals, the list goes on, we all love it

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


So it has been a rough last few days with all the yucky sickness in our home. Halloween wasn't the same staying in bed all day and not going trick or treating. I felt really bad for Payton, but he really did not seem to mind. We have awesome friends and family that helped us out and made the day so much better. Gaylene & Brance and Alison brought over goodies for him and our wonderful neighbor Julie(Payton's friend Parker's mom) came and got his bucket and brought it to the ward trunk-or-treat and filled it up for him. Even his cute preschool teacher Miss Misti brought over the treats that he missed from their party. My mom also made sugar cookies with him and made us a great Halloween dinner. Courtney even carved out pumpkins with him, it was so cute and it actually turned out to be a great Halloween, thank you everyone!!!! .
We are finally starting to feel a little better, Saturday and Sunday were the worst days for me, you forget just how crappy the flu makes you feel. Luckily we've had Reed who has been taking such great care of us and we love him so much!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Who needs sleep anyway?

Poor little Payton, he just seems to catch everything, he's like his mom I guess. I was up all night with him last night dealing with a fever, cough and body aches, it was so bad that I even had to wake up my mom and dad to see what I should do. It is so hard to see your little ones sick like that and feel so helpless. He has had some symptoms for the last few days but last night he defiantly got hit hard. It is only October and I'm already sick of the "sick" season.
We went to the Doctor first thing this morning and they said that he probably has the flu and the croup, poor thing, but nothing that a little steroid and TLC won't fix.....right.
I feel so bad, it's not exactly the best timing with Halloween and his first preschool Halloween party tomorrow. I love that little kid so much and I am so grateful that we have been blessed with him. Feel better soon buddy, we love you!!
P.S. I ended up going to the doctor today too and I have the swine flu. I started to feel really crappy, it hit me like a ton of bricks so I went to see Steve and sure enough I was sick. Luckily we caught it at the start so he put me on tamiflu and antibiotics because he was worried about it turning into pneumonia. Hopefully it won't last long and we won't pass it to Reed!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Yesterday was Payton's first primary program and he was so excited. All I can say is that I am one proud mommy! I help teach CTR 6 so I was able to be part of the program too. At first I was a little bummed because I really wanted to see Payton sing, but when I found out that my class sat on the front row up on the stand and that I could see Payton's Sunbeam class perfectly on the front row of the benches I was so excited.
Those of you that know Payton know that he has a great memory, especially when it comes to knowing songs. He knows and sings (not to mention his awesome dance moves) tons of songs from Miley Cyrus and High School Musical, to Rascal Flatts, it really is the cutest thing. He also has learned and knows all of the Primary songs, and he did not disappoint, he stood up on the bench and sang his little heart out. He also did a great job with his little part, he had to say "I can be a good friend" and he did it all by himself. It was perfect, plus he had his little fan club there to watch him too, thank you everyone for coming!
I sometimes had a hard time watching him because he was doing so good that I would start to cry, especially when they sang "I Feel my Saviors Love" along with the sign language, it was the sweetest thing. It was fun looking at all of the proud parents with tears in their eyes too. It was a great meeting, there really is something about the children that brings in the spirit so much. We love Payton so much and I truly was so impressed by his little spirit and how well he did. Good job buddy, we love you!!!!
I finally decided that it was time to start to blog! I've wanted to for a long time, and with help from my cute sister Courtney we got it up and running. Hopefully I will be good about updating on what is going on with our little family.

Friday, October 23, 2009

My first blog post family picture!!!

Reed, Stacie and Payton
at Ryan & Courtney's wedding