Thursday, November 26, 2009

November Update

Well I have been slacking, the time is just flying by way to quickly. I just thought that I would catch up on what has been going on the past few weeks. Payton is just getting bigger and just as sweet as ever. I feel so lucky that I have been able to stay at home with him, he defiantly is a mama's boy and I'm loving every minute. He was invited to his first birthday party for Riley, a little girl in his preschool class, it seems so crazy that my baby is getting so big. Ever since preschool started he has been talking about Riley calling her his "girlfriend" and she has told her parents that she is going to marry Payton, it's funny to hear them talk about it, but it's defiantly starting way too early.
It was also my 28th birthday, holy cow I never thought that I'd be that old. On Saturday we went to Texas Road House with our good friends Sallie & Jesse, it was so good. We had a great time, Reed told them it was my birthday, they make you sit on a saddle while the sing to you, a little embarrassing but it was funny. We always have so much fun with Sal & Jess, we went to their house after and just hung out, it was a great night, thanks guys. On Sunday, my b-day I had to do sharing time, fun huh, it went well though and I was glad to have it over with. Reed and Payton made it a great day and we had dinner with my family. Payton wanted to say the prayer and it was the cutest thing ever it was all about mommy and I think that everyone had tears in their eyes, I loved it. Thanks everyone for making it such a great day!
We also had craft day, which we have once a month with Reed's mom and all the girls. It is so much fun, we have lunch and make the cutest things, this month we made cute weekly menu boards. We have made aprons, decorations sewing projects, frozen meals, the list goes on, we all love it

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