Wednesday, January 6, 2010

December Update

I'm sorry that I am so bad at this, I guess I'll be lucky to get in monthly posts, I'll try to be better. Here is what happened in December. We had a great month, we got to spend a lot of time with our family & friends which is always fun. We had our annual Sargent family Christmas party which is always fun and nice to see everyone. We he Sal and the kids come over and my mom & sister watched the kids while Sallie and I went out shopping, we had so much fun. My mom had a big Birthday and we went to Texas Road House for a yummy diner. For craft day we made watches, they turned out so cute. Payton had his first preschool Christmas Program, it was fun, they did a play and his part was "Every year we make cookies and hang our stocking, we wait for Santa, but he never comes" and he did so good, I was proud of him. We had a couple of Doctor's appointments (like usual) we took Reed up to a new back surgeon in Salt Lake, it went well and we are waiting for results for his CT scan and Bone scan, we are crossing our fingers for an answer and some help. Payton & I both got sick with sinus infections and bronchitis, he also had an ear infection, thank heavens for antibiotics and cough syrup. Payton also hurt his leg between his knee and hip, on New Years Eve he wouldn't even move, which if you know Payton is not like him at all even when he is super sick he still tries to be happy, so we knew something was wrong. We took him to the Instacare on New Year's (staring the year off with a bang of course) and they did an x-ray, luckily it was not broken but they thought that he had a deep contusion in the muscle or bone, so they wrapped it up and told us to come back if it was still hurting in a few days. It has been really weird to have him actually sit and not be running around like crazy. We hung out with Jess and Sal, we always have so much fun and laugh a ton. On New Years Eve we we got to hang out with my family, we played a couple of fun games and ate yummy food, thanks mom and dad for such a fun night!!! I can't believe how fast the time is flying by and that it is already 2010!!!!!

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